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Buy a gift, sent from The Disco Bunny

The purpose of The Disco Bunny is to spread joy, to connect people, to warm hearts with hope and belief that even in this day and age that something as crazy-beautiful as The Disco Bunny Project and The Disco Bunny itself really does exist.

My success is measured only by the positive impact on individual lives, never on the amount of donations received, yet for me to take The Disco Bunny to people and places least expecting me to arrive on their high street or on their doorstep, I need your help, however that be, including by donations to truly serve The Mission, realise The Vision and make The Dream come true.

As always, thank you for being part of my adventure.

Personalised Videos are perfect to make the following people happier:
  • You
  • Your friend or relative
  • Everyone else you share it with
  • The Disco Bunny
  • Whoever meets The Disco Bunny on his adventures because of your support

Personalise your Video Gift here:

About You

How have our paths crossed?

Who is this message for?

About your Personalised Video

Any song requests?
How much are you donating?

The Disco Bunny

Create a memory

When you pass by The Disco Bunny why not grab a selfie to keep and share the memory?

Thank you, follow me and join the adventure.

My name is Pablo Woodward,
I am The Disco Bunny
– The Disco Bunny

The Disco Bunny Mission

To unite all people

irrespective of age,
irrespective of race,
irrespective of gender,
irrespective of religion,
irrespective of orientation,
irrespective of physical or mental ability.

My name is Pablo Woodward, I am The Disco Bunny, and this is my mission! A lover of people, a giver of smiles and a sharer of my near endless and insatiable energy.

As The Disco Bunny you may have noticed that I can smile and laugh with all my heart and soul all day long.

Smiling is contagious, laughing is contagious, and the mission is to share this with everyone!

Thank you, follow me and join the adventure.

Design your life(style)
– The Disco Bunny

The Disco Bunny Vision

To ignite a revolution within you

To open your heart to love,
To grasp control of your life,
To direct your own destiny,
To find your happiness,
To fulfil your potential,
To live with passion.

Special thanks to Paul Cooke for the artwork and Lesley Burdett for the photography. See the full post on Facebook.

Thank you, follow me and join the adventure.

The greatest explorer is the explorer of the human emotion
 – Unknown

The Disco Bunny Dream

A humanitarian enterprise

To create, to build, to establish a foundation, an organisation, a humanitarian enterprise; a school, a home, a hostel, an institution, a place of refuge, a place to go and give love, spread positive energy, and express gratitude by sharing and offering skills for oneself to ultimately learn, grow and be rewarded through true connection by making a positive impact on individual lives.
To entertain, to educate; to provide a stepping stone.

Thank you, follow me and join the adventure.

I got skills and qualifications but I'd rather do star‑jumps! – The Disco Bunny

The Disco Bunny

Viral Media

Dancing lady

Pure joy on the streets of Brighton

This beautiful moment, captured on the streets of Brighton by Ezda Beevers, happened on a Monday afternoon when shoppers, locals, tourists, the homeless and a very special old lady in a pink jacket congregated and got wrapped up in The Disco Bunny effect - what a true inspiration. A moment of pure joy expressed through dancing and music. This was a moment of pure synchronicity.


You're In Love With a Psycho

Released as the first single off their 2017 studio album: For Crying Out Loud, The Disco Bunny makes a featured appearance with Noel Fielding, Stephen Graham and the 2010 Brit Award winning Artists Kasabian. Here features The Disco Bunny like never before..!

Ambu­lance Party

The Disco Bunny inspires an inpromptu Ambulance Party outside The Cricketers, Hove.

"A bloke in a sparkly outfit (the one from that video with the granny dancing on north street), had about 50 odd people singing and dancing to Prince, then an ambulance drove passed and put their lights on for everyone dancing!" – Tom Hodgkinson

Trickstar Radio

The Disco Bunny on Trickstar Radio, gaining 324,000+ views.

The Happy Startup School

Summercamp 2016

The Happy Startup School helps entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life, where money isn't the most important metric.

Pablo 'The Disco Bunny' Woodward shakes things up at Summercamp 2016 with the truly amazing story of his unusual upbringing from the streets of Brazil to the countryside in the UK.

This talk goes through a rollercoaster of emotions that might just end with you dancing!

Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing
– Helen Keller

The Disco Bunny Story

Practising the art of giving

Life changing decisions

In 2016 I decided to change my life, to explore humanity by practising the art of giving. It opened my eyes, heart and soul to the wonders of humanity and through this exploration, I became a better person.

Truth is, too many days in 2016, I felt distracted executing my mission. Ever trying to obtain enough money that particular day to find a roof over my head and get enough food and drink to share, so that I may give another smile and grow some more.

What is known, though, is that in my first life I had little​. My freshest memories of life in the orphanage were of repetitive simple food, no possessions, a floor to sleep on and no school.

I roamed the streets, had great friends around me, did as I pleased living hand to mouth, danced, played, laughed, loved and lived: I was the happiest kid in the world!

The Future

Bringing more joy

I wish to continue my work as The Disco Bunny, to bring joy to people's hearts and souls; to both educate and entertain.


​I wish to evolve, to tell true stories of love and passion, of human connections of loss and and gains, of struggles and endurance, and I wish to tell the these tales of truth in their truest form through connecting people, illustrating in words, pictures and moving images. ​


The Disco Bunny has no defined gender, race, religion, orientation and to serve my mission as The Disco Bunny, today more than ever I need your support for I wish to evolve what I do to a greater positive ripple effect to directly or indirectly touch the lives of individuals and groups I would ordinarily not encounter on the street: ​


It's true, I wish to go to remote locations, visit vulnerable individuals, share my time and energy with those most in need, adventure, travel, explore the depths of humanity and share the adventure with you in the belief that you will learn, laugh, grow and be enriched by your involvement in our unique journey. ​

First life

In brief, the facts

I know so little of the facts of my first life in Brazil, when I was born, to whom and where, what I did, how I lived and such like.

What is known, though, is that in my first life I had little​. My freshest memories of life in the orphanage were of repetitive simple food, no possessions, a floor to sleep on, no school.

I roamed the streets, had great friends around me, did as I pleased living hand to mouth, danced, played, laughed, loved and lived: I was the happiest kid in the world!

Second life

In brief, the facts

It was Luxembourg, to where I was adopted, that I started my second 'anglicised and westernised' life. Reflecting, I was both a fish out of water and a pig in muck, ever changing and growing and learning yet always the same boy with that enormous smile, energy, and near constant laugh irrespective of my actual personal and mental hardship…

In this lifetime, growing up, I also lived in England, and during my childhood and adulthood travelled to 42 countries, fathered two children, earned a living mostly as a clerical assistant, actor, trivia host, party and events organiser, English teacher, tennis and multi-sports coach, workshop leader, and short-contract odd-job man, forgot my mother-tongue of Portuguese, learned English, French, Spanish, studied Latin for five years, fell in and out of love, into extreme mental lows and highs, succeeded and failed beyond my wildest imagination.

Third life

Now: in thoughts, and facts

I began preparing for this life either late last year or at the very start of my second life…

When the reality of 2016 dawned upon me, I reflected on how I had changed my life around since hitting the bottom both emotionally, physically and spiritually in 2012. It was true that I was succeeding - I was on the right path - I was able to look myself in the mirror without blame and know that where I was financially, emotionally, physically, geographically and circumstantially was of my own accord plus I had built a support network of close friends to rely on for help and guidance.

I was progressing, yet in my own ambitious, hungry, determined, joyous and hurt eyes, aware of the sacrifices I had made, still felt my greatest enemy was time. I could not wait another moment to take action on my life, to wait another minute for another door to open, nor wait any longer for opportunity to arrive. I was sick and tired of the waiting game. so I asked myself one simple question:

If this is your last year of existence, what do you want to do with it? What must you do with it?

The answer to me was clear. The cause of action, itself, became clear too, so, I returned to my roots - retuned to the streets - the place where I have always felt most at home.

…and, as they say: the rest is history, or as I say: the rest is a story!

Follow me on social media, watch my videos, read my words, see my pictures, talk with me, dance with me, work with me, play with me, counsel me and we can adventure together one smile at a time!

Today is the best day ever to smile
– The Disco Bunny

Booking The Disco Bunny

Spread joy – book now

This humanitarian enterprise relies on the generosity of people like you. Vehicle sponsorships, promotional appearances and endorsements all encourage The Disco Bunny too keep spreading the joy!

As always, thank you for being part of my adventure.

Booking starts here:

About You

Booking details – guess it's fine

Booking ideas

What do you expect?*

Small print

DBS Certified

For safety, I hold a valid DBS Certificate (Disclosure and Barring Service) to work with people in vulnerable communities and children. My present certificate was obtained Mid-2016 and can be produced securely on request for your reference and assurance.

How do I pay?

All arrangements are confirmed over email. Payments are non-refundable and will be handled via PayPal.

Are travel expenses included?

The Disco Bunny is a global nomad and I welcome bookings from all over the world. Yes, absolutely, I would travel across the globe to disco bunny on your street corner or pick your children up from school – all I ask is that my time and expenses are met with food in my belly and a roof over my head – life is for living.

Are the costs negotiable?

Yes, but sometimes they can’t be. My greatest gift is my time and energy, which although apparently endless are in fact finite. Because I am of no fixed abode, travel frequently, and am usually on the move, it may mean that bookings include other costs.

Smile – it's contagious
– The Disco Bunny

Hall of Thanks

There are so many people here I wish to thank…

Always grateful for each beautiful smile I receive, meal, coin, note, conversation, support, guidance, roof over my head, offer of help.

There are so many people here I wish to thank I almost don’t know where to start. All is I can say is – I am aware of who you are and how you have helped.

Thank you.

Pablo Woodward aka The Disco Bunny.

Smiling is contagious,
laughing is contagious,
& the mission is
to share this with everyone! – The Disco Bunny

Social Media

Can you help me get on every phone in the world?


/The Disco Bunny


# Disco Bunny

Peace begins with a smile

@disco bunny 11

/The Disco Bunny

the happiest moments and reactions!



Chat with me…
+44 7593 307 584



Nomadic global artist on a mission
Sharing fun, smiles & an open heart…



Nearly one million views…
Old Lady dancing with The Disco Bunny

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Share your acting positions

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Available for commercial work
Photo: John Clarke

Contact me

Global HQ and Bunnybus

Global HQ

Gifts & Fanmail

The Disco Bunny is of no fixed abode, a nomadic explorer piloting the Bunnybus… fanmail and gifts are best hand-delivered, or mailed to The Disco Bunny global postal headquarters in Brighton (thanks to my friends at BeFries).

Please mark the envelope:
The Disco Bunny
c/o BeFries

46 West Street,


Now on tour

The Disco Bunny is always on the move… look out for The Bunnybus or book me to visit your event.


Book me

Email me

Call me

This might be your last opportunity.
– The Disco Bunny